Monday, February 27, 2012

TUSAL for February

Here is my TUSAL for February I know it's several days late but I did make the posting during the month so I guess that counts. As you can see I didn't add a whole lot to this since I was working on some knitting and not a whole alot of cross stitching. I'm hoping to add some to this jar next month.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

WIPocalypse for February

Well another month has passed for the WIPocalypse and I actually had time to stitch due to having a minor surgery. I stitched on A Long Winter's Nap a HAED. I'm on all confetti stitches, which I hate by the way. I'm hoping the next time I stitch on this I'll be done with them and onto more solid colors.


Next up is Happily Ever After I stitched on this one the most as you can see. After I've read about everyone working on their HAEDs I decided to work on one of mine.
